Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Future plans for this blog and vlogging

Hello everybody,

As the title of this blog suggests, I am in the consideration of making some major changes to my blog. I feel like I am starting to run out of ham radio related things to talk about, at least for right now, and I want to bring the attention to other things in my life. Things such as video gaming, computer programming, and the like. If you have any suggestions on what I can do to make this blog any better, please leave a comment below.

Also, with the acquiring of a new digital camera which is below I feel like every once a month, as well as special occasions (i.e. radio un-boxings, etc.) I am going to be posting a vlog of what is going on in regards to everything, and not just amateur radio all in 720HD. I am surprised this little thing can shoot video in HD, and it is what made it stand out from other cameras I was considering!

(Sony Cybershot DSC-H55)

Until next time this is N2ASD signing you clear.

Saturday, January 18, 2014

2014!? 2014!!!!!

Hello Everyone,

I know it has been over 8 months since I made a post in my blog, but I do apologize. I got caught up in the emotional turmoil called life, which happens to the best of us, even hams. In case you missed my posting on the QRZ.com webpage, I am now without HF capabilities as my beloved Icom IC-725 is not working anymore, as I blew something in the PA circuit during the November Sweepstakes in 2013. Due to its age and scarcity of parts, I decided in the best of my financial responsibility, to sell my old radio for parts. Once I obtain my refund check from college this semester, I will be obtaining a Yaesu 897D, along with a SSB filter as a suitable replacement. Also, in case you missed it, a great antenna designer and amateur legend, Tom Nickish (W8AMZ) has passed away in December, and I would say his antennas were one of THE best ones ever made!!! I have two different versions of the G5RV that was made and sold by him, the smaller, G5RVJR. Which is still mounted to my trailer, and the ZS6BKW optimized edition which I never used outside Field Day.

-New equipment-

You may be wondering, "N2ASD, what new equipment did you get?!" Well, I did pick up a 32' section of Delhi Tower from someone locally at about $80 with 2 rotors and control boxes! Even though they are designed for TV antennas, I do not think that may be hurtful for using them for the new amateur antennas I am looking to get in the near future as I plan on gaining an HF beam for 10/15/20. If the rotors can not handle the load, I will also see what I can to to pick up a Ham-IV rotor.

(New antenna tower, about 32' long, with the rotor covered under a bag to protect from the New York winter!!!)

(A secondary rotor next to a few old lanterns)

Future Plans

One of my biggest, and most anticipated things for me is going to Seattle in March! As much as I look forward to it, the biggest thing I want to do is operate portable on HF out there, but with my college refund taking anywhere from 3 weeks to the whole semester could prove devastating to my plans. I may consider doing a Go Fund Me! Campaign to help make N2ASD/ Portable 7 a reality, or speak with my brother about taking me to a local amateur radio club in the Seattle area so I can use their HF equipment for a few hours if it comes to that, as well as introducing him to the hobby, and maybe try to do a licensing bootcamp so he can pass both the technician and general licenses in one go so him and I could talk on HF. I will keep you up to date as N2ASD/ Portable as of right now is in a tentative stage, and wont be finalized until Febuary.

Until then, this is N2ASD signing you clear.