Friday, December 4, 2015

2015 November Sweeps Wrapup

N2ASD Message As follows,

I am sorry it has taken me some time to post this seeing now that it is about two weeks after the November Sweepstakes for SSB and a month for CW respectively. I did not too bad for CW, netting 104 contacts across 36 sections. However, my life plans and work threw a wrench into the SSB sweeps and I was only able to work about 23 contacts for an hour or 2.... I feel a bit dissapointed in myself but I do have to do what I need to as work is more important than contesting. I am not sure if I am going to do  the ARRL10M contest this year as 10M is a band that is not my forte. I am more used to 15, 20, and 40M myself but if I get bored, I may give it a go.
I can not wait until this spring to show my new antennas as well as the construction of getting them up in the air! I did some research on the HF antenna, and it turns out that I do have a Cushcraft A-3S with a 40M Add on kit with some parts missing! Over the winter, me and my Elmer Phil (W3EBO), are going to work on restoring this to its immaculate condition, along with the 6M antenna I got and ensuring me that things are working well before I hoist the antennas on the tower this spring.
Other than that, I really don't have much to say but enjoy your holidays coming up. Until next time, this is N2ASD signing you clear.